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Tricapital Blog

Discover practical approaches to financial planning, investment strategies, retirement planning, and more. 

Randall E. White

USE THESE TIPS TO BETTER COMMUNICATE ABOUT THIS IMPORTANT TOPIC It’s normal for your relationship with your parents to change as they age. Perhaps you’re finding yourself helping them out more around the house or assisting them in getting to and from doctors’ appointments and staying on top of their

Randall E. White

INDICATORS THAT A FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL COULD HELP YOU ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOALS When you get sick, you go to a doctor. If you find yourself in legal trouble, you go to a lawyer. When you have car trouble, you go to a mechanic. All of these make perfect sense, right? And

Randall E. White

YOUR HSA CAN BOLSTER YOUR SAVINGS, YOUR RETIREMENT PLAN, AND MORE If you qualify for a health savings account (HSA), it’s a good idea to understand all the benefits it can provide. It can be a valuable tool to combat the high costs of healthcare, which are only continuing to

Randall E. White

RIDING OUT THE VOLATILITY CAN IMPROVE YOUR PORTFOLIO OVER TIME The primary function of financial journalism seems to be terrifying us out of ever achieving our financial goals by shrieking about the market’s volatility. We’ve been reminded of this almost hourly as the S&P 500 approached “official bear market territory,”

Randall E. White

FOLLOW THESE FOUR STEPS TO ENSURE YOUR ASSETS STAY PROTECTED There’s a lot that goes into estate planning and, hopefully, you’ve got a plan in place to ensure your wishes are carried out. However, one piece of the puzzle that is missing for many people is ensuring that beneficiaries are

Randall E. White

TEACHING FINANCIAL LITERACY TO THE NEXT GENERATION LEAVES A LASTING LEGACY Moments passed with children and grandchildren are always time well spent. The lessons you give them will last the rest of their lives. April is Financial Literacy Month, an ideal time to begin a conversation with your grandkids about


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